What is a Shena board & why should I use a Shena board?

Premium Shena board

The Shena board is a stable symmetrical platform enabling push-ups that are gentler on the wrists with correct joint alignment. So you wont need to bend the wrists at 90 degrees acute angle and can have your wrists in a more obtuse angle and relatively straight hence reducing the pressure on your wrists especially if you are unaccustomed to doing pushups.

It is near impossible to do pushups incorrectly on the Shena as it enforces external rotation (elbows in and closer to the body) at the glenohumeral or the shoulder joint and so reduces the risk of acromioclavicular (front of shoulder) impingement that can occur when doing pushups tucorrectly with internally rotated shoulders (elbows out and away from the body).

The Shena also enables a much deeper range of motion during push-ups, so you can perform a greater variety of psuhups styles and variations even with your hands at the level of your twelfth ribs.

Additionally the Shena is a tool that you are engaging with and is more conducive for use in a systematic, ritual practice, much like yoga blocks or martial arts tools. And if you’re a fan of exercising outdoors with a Shena you can perform pushups or a systematic Persian Yoga practice on practically any surface, including rough or soft surfaces when in nature.