kashi azad doing split stance push-ups on the Shena push-up board

The push-up, the greatest of all exercises, confers not only physical benefits but also the profoundly empowering feeling to be able to push oneself off the ground and stand tall as a man.

Experience the greatest excitement in restoring natural alignment and develop real functional multi-planar strength, endurance and mobility.

Shena means swimming in Persian, envisage fluid, wave-like, circular motions.

Based on the time-tested design used for millenia. Our Shena set the standard for what others copy.


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✓ Designed after the officially recognised standards set by the International Zurkhaneh Sports Federation.

✓ Solid and ultra portable.

✓ Time-tested simple and powerful strength conditioning tool.

Kashi Azad doing Persian stretching push-ups on the Shena

Build powerful hips and a solid chest.

Embrace a stronger yoga practice.

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