1.0 Introduction to Shena push-ups

The push-up is by far the most functional and powerful exercise of all time. Not only is push-ups one of the three primary movements that the human body has through evolution been designed to perform, the others being pulling up and getting up, but it is also one of the simplest and most versatile exercises ever.

Persian push-ups are done on a push-up board called the Takhte Shena. In the remainder of the manual I will refer to push-ups and the push-up board interchangeably as the Shena.

Persian push-ups are done in combination with dynamic stretching, agility and isometric endurance exercises with the aim to enhance flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination, agility, balance and concentration. You should strive to perform these push-ups methodically and strategically, i.e. if you do one side make sure you do the other, front and back etc. Take your time with the push-ups, do not rush through them. Strive to feel the body moving and the energy displacement shifting throughout the range of motion of each movement. As you get more experienced you can speed things up to push the endurance barrier, but as these push-ups are usually the opening series in the practice of Persian Yoga they are done rather slowly with emphasis on rhythm and fluidity i.e. with a certain continuity of motion which links together each push-up with each posture and weaves a pattern of strong, intentfull and fluid movement; just like swimming. In fact Shena is the Persian word for swimming, keep this image in mind!

multiple shena boards
Shena family showcasing the Large and Small Shena Shamshiri next to the Premium and Standard Shena push-up boards for Persian pushups
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