2.10 Narmesh – straight down and up stretch

Narmesh - straight down stretch
Narmesh – straight down stretch
Narmesh - straight up stretch
Narmesh – straight up stretch
Narmesh – straight down and up stretch
  • With your arms straight, by your sides, and feet together bend from the hips, as you exhale, and touch your knees, shin, feet or the floor depending on your current level of flexibility.
  • Keep your legs as straight as possible and as you are lowering your torso downwards strive to bring your forehead towards your knees or shins (pose one/down).
  • As you inhale and extend from the hip, i.e. standing straight again, interlock your thumbs and raise both hands over your head before descending again for another forward bend (pose two/up).

Narmesh – straight down and up stretch
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