1.18 Shena peech – twist push-ups

Twist push-ups are a great and unique way of conditioning all the abdominal muscles, while doing upper body strength and endurance work. It is a very dynamic movement which engages all three muscle fibre types.

Shena peech - twist push-ups transition posture front view
Shena peech – twist push-ups transition posture
Shena peech - twist push-ups right posture front view
Shena peech – twist push-ups right twist front view
Shena peech - twist push-ups left posture front view
Shena peech – twist push-ups left twist front view
Shena peech - twist push-ups left posture side view
Shena peech – twist push-ups left twist side view
Shena peech – twist push-ups

Twist push-ups – Full

  • Starting in the down dog posture place your hands as wide as possible on the Shena (outside the legs).
  • From the down dog posture descend on the Shena until your sternum connects with it at the level of your solar plexus.
  • From the down dog posture descend down on the Shena while keeping your feet close together and on the ground until your chest, lower part of your sternum, is gently touching the Shena. This is the transition posture for the twist push-ups. At this point only your hands, feet and chest are connected (i.e touching either the Shena or the ground).
  • Push yourself up midway, do NOT fully extend the arm at the elbow, keeping the elbows bent as you obliquely twist your body to the right.
  • As you twist to the right you are creating a space bordered by the Shena, forearm, upper arm, armpit and torso. Move your right elbow outwards (abduct the upper arm) to increase this space and move your head into this cavity.
  • Bending slightly from the hips and knees bring your head towards your knees (not the knees towards the head) while keeping your gaze to your knees.
  • Your hips move contra-laterally i.e. hips move to the left as you move your head to knees to the right side.
  • Push yourself up slightly as you come back to the centre, i.e. the transition posture, and bring your head up and look forward, before descending again to contact the Shena with your chest gently and briefly prior to repeating the same movement to the opposite, i.e. the left side.

Twist push-ups – Half

For beginners it is advised to completely rest their thighs and knees on the ground. You can still achieve the upper body twist and oblique flexion. The progression is to do these push-ups supporting the body on hands and feet only.

  • Keeping your feet close together descend until your chest, lower part of your sternum, is resting on the Shena and your thighs and knees are resting on the ground.
  • Push yourself up midway, do NOT fully extend the arm at the elbow, keeping the elbows bent as you obliquely twist your body to the left.
  • As you twist to the left you are creating a space bordered by the Shena, forearm, upper arm, armpit and torso. Move your left elbow outwards to increase this space and move your head into this cavity as you look back and up towards the sky.
  • Your hips move contra-laterally i.e. to the right as you move your head to the left.
  • Try to contract, obliquely crunch , to the maximum while keeping your chin tucked unto your chest.
  • Push yourself up slightly as you come back to the centre, bring your head up and look forward, before descending again to contact the Shena with your chest briefly prior to repeating the same movement to the opposite (right) side.
  • You will achieve a deeper ROM if you raise both feet off the ground (knees still on the ground) and allow them to swing from side to side, in the same direction as your hips, as you obliquely crunch and perform the twist push-up.

Full twist pushups – front view
Full twist pushups – side view

Key points twist push-ups

  • Your chest should always make contact with the Shena, this is when you have done one push-up.
  • Your chest contacts the Shena briefly and is not resting on it while you are doing the twist push-ups.
  • Touch the lower part of your sternum, at the point under the chest but above the solar plexus, on the Shena. If you are touching the Shena with your clavicle, or at the level of your throat, then the Shena is too high up and you are doing this the wrong way.
  • Hands are wider than shoulder width apart i.e. on the outside of the legs on the Shena.
  • You maintain a low centre of gravity and never fully extend at the elbow during the execution of these push-ups.
  • Strive to push your head under your elbow and armpit.
  • Look back and up to the sky.
  • Feet should be touching the ground.
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